Monday, March 05, 2007

Beyond Ballots or Bullets

I'm not going to be able to make this conference, but I wish it well.

Kevin Van Horn is hosting a conference this weekend in Provo Utah to "explore non-electoral, nonviolent strategies to decrease the state's ability to coerce us and increase our own powers of resistance." It will explore tactics such as independent communities, businesses the state can't see or control, counter-economics and nonvioloent action and much more.

The date is March 10-11, at the Hampton Inn in Provo Utah. Basic information is here. Registration information (the cost is $75) is here. Kevin Van Horn wrote an interesting piece called "The Strategic Estimate," posted here.

I've long thought that non-political action is the best route to a free society. It's one reason I work mostly through writing and persuasion. I'll try to stay abreast of Kevin Van Horn's efforts and report progress if any.

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