Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A reminder: cannabis might cure some cancers

I put this post up on the Register's Orange Punch blog as a reminder. I have known for some years about the studies and experiments done by Manuel Guzman, a biochemist in Madrid, that showed injections of THC into the brains of rats with brain tumors lengthened their lives compared to a placebo and in some cases cured the cancers. Guzman has since done subsequent studies that have confirmed the results. And it turns out that similar studies gave the same results in the U.S. way back in 1974 -- and the feds suppressed the results. It is almost impossible to overstate just how cruel and misguided such actions are, how fanatic these drug warriors are. A substance shows promise in treating the most feared disease in America and the drug warriors so everything in their power to keep the information from getting out.

And yet, as you can see from a comment, at least some people in the U.S. prefer to remain invincibly ignorant, to believe in myths and lies even in the face of strong scientific evidence. Marijuana has strong properties to cloud the minds -- of drug warriors and their acolytes.


Anonymous said...

Why is the U.S.government so blindly hostile to Marijuana and other drugs anyways? I would really like to know. What harm to pot-smokers really do to society? What is the "war on drugs" REALLY about? Only America has pursued this bad course and with such a savage intensity. America has more citizens locked up then any other democracy in the world. Half of all people in your jails are in for drug-related offenses. Does the government really believe its own 'reefer madness' propaganda? Is it a civilian version of the military-industrial complex? Too much embarassment to admit they were wrong all along? I would love to know why America is like this...

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